Advantages of Hydroelectric Energy


Hydroelectricity refers to the conversion of energy from flowing water into electricity. Modern hydoplant produce electricity using turbine and generator. The mechanical energy created by moving water spins rotor on turbine .

This turbine is connected to electromagnetic generator which produces electricity when turbine spins.

Advantages of Hydroelectric Energy

  1. Hydropower provides benefits in flood control, irrigation support, and clean drinking water.
  2. The main use of hydroelectric energy is to produce electricity. The main components of a hydro power plant are dams, rivers and turbines. Plants use dams to create reservoirs where water is stored. This water is released through the turbine and rotates to activate the generator and then they generate electricity.
  3. Hydropower is better for the environment heath. Hydroelectric power plants do not emit waste heat and dangerous gases. Compared to conventional coal power plants, hydroelectric power avoids emissions of about 3GT CO2 per year, accounting for about 9% of global annual CO2 emissions.
  4. Hydropower is a domestic energy source. It allows each country to produce its own electricity without relying on international fuel sources.
  5. Hydropower is a renewable energy source. The energy generated by hydroelectric power is renewable. Because it relying on a solar-powered water cycle. Everyday the sun goes down or the wind stops, but the water usually has a constant, steady flow 24/7. thats why Hydropower is more reliable
  6. The lake forms behind the dam. Also, hydroenergy plant is created on water reservior and mountain place. so all hydroenergy plant becomes tourist places
  7. Life Span of hydro power plant is so high. Nearly 100 to 110 years.

Disadvantages of Hydroelectric Energy

  1. hydopower plant is expensive to bulid. some small plant takes 2-4  years to build. If you want to build large hydropower plant , it make be take 15-20 years.

Thats why, building this plant takes more money.

  1. In drought condition, there are less water in the dam. In this condition, the plant can't create much electricity

